Free Or Low Cost Screenings Help To Diagnose Second Leading Cause of Death Among Men Which Can Be Easily Treated If Caught Early --

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, but it is easily treated when caught early - the problem is that too often it is not. That is why the Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC), – a national organization committed to men’s health and a leader in prostate cancer screening –  is sponsoring its 32th Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Week (PCAW) from September 19-25, 2021.   We also support year round screenings as well.

Committed to encouraging men to take a more proactive role in protecting their health, PCEC has coordinated hundreds of sites across the country to offer free or low cost prostate health assessments during Prostate Cancer Awareness Week.  PCEC recommends that men should have a baseline PSA and rectal digital examination test at age 40 and then work with their physicians to determine what the appropriate interval is to repeat both tests.  Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test and Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) remain the safest routes to detecting the disease in its earliest stages – when it’s most treatable.  

 “What many men do not realize is that prostate cancer if caught early can most often be very successfully treated, said Dr. E. David Crawford, M.D., Founder and Chairman of the PCEC. “Men should not avoid the topic.  Knowledge is power and by avoiding medical tests, they are only doing a disservice to themselves and their loved ones. Simple tests like Cholesterol, PSA, testosterone and the DRE are valuable tools in assessing men’s health and risk for many of the biggest risk factors especially prostate cancer."

During PCAW, men are offered a baseline PSA blood test and a DRE administered by a trained professional.  PCAW screening sites are also equipped with a variety of free informational materials that will help guide men in improving their overall health condition. Many screening locations also offer testing for cholesterol and testosterone, as many factors play into overall men’s health awareness and a man’s risk for prostate cancer. 

Men (and their female family members and friends who want to encourage them to be tested) can find the sites by visiting http://www.prostateconditions.org/screening-site or calling 866-4PROST8. 

 “During the past 31 years, PCEC helped to provide early detection to more than 5 million men for prostate cancer and men’s health conditions in the United States and internationally,” said Wendy Poage, president of PCEC.  “Our commitment to educating in awareness on prostate cancer and other important men’s health issues continues to expand each year.” 

Prostate cancer is a disease that is most successfully treated when it is detected early on.  As the research community explores various methods to detecting the disease, PCEC continues to encourage men to play an active role in their health by looking to those trusted sources of prostate cancer testing – the PSA and DRE.

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