Every Man Should Know about Prostate Cancer Screening 

Should I or shouldn’t I?  That’s the question that men face when it comes to being screened for prostate cancer. Controversies center on the potential for false-positives or over-treatment.  So, what should men know before they decide on screening?

Key Points on Screening

The proposed guidelines of the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force would recommend the PSA blood test for prostate cancer only if the patient has prostate symptoms. However, by the time a patient has symptoms the disease is usually late-stage (advanced) and cannot be cured.

The real bottom line: this is not just a man’s disease. It’s a couple’s disease. It takes two to conquer it. But the love can, and will, and life will go on!”

~Janet Buss, wife of prostate cancer survivor Norm Buss

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